Sophia Ott

Sophia Caroline Ott Female

Born: 6-Jan-1843 in Guildorf, Germany
Died: 19-Mar-1915 in Meadville, PA at the age of 72.

Occupation: Housewife & mother of 13.

Comments: She came to America Sept. 8, 1873 with Frederick (9), Caroline (6), and Lizzie (1).

Sophia's Family

Spouse: Albert John Burkhardt married 3-May-1863
Children: Christian Albert Burkhardt, Frederick A. Burkhardt, William Burkhardt, Caroline Charlotte "Carrie" Burkhardt, Lizzetta Burkhardt, Lizzetta "Lizzie" Sophia Maria Burkhardt, Albert Henry Burkhardt, Herman J. Burkhardt, Emma Burkhardt, Pauline Helen Burkhardt, William Theodore "Willy" Burkhardt, Anna  Emma Marguerite Burkhardt, Charles William Burkhardt
Married in Germany.

Sophia's Heritage


Sophia's Picture Album

Sophia Ott's Father

All that's known about this photo is that it is Sophia Ott's father (written on back of photo).
Click on photos for larger view.